MoonKiKi: web2.0 and ajax... the evolution road

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

JSONP ... and geek's dreams come true.

A lot of company are studying how to use JSONP in their business.

In these days, also Ext.js released a powerful request object to manage JSONP services.

I think it would be useful to post some link that show how the Biggest Framework are moving on this nice way of sharing informations.

MOOTOOLS (my preferred)


The new MIT licensed Ext.js core:

JsonP is a means by which to get JSON data from another domain than the one your page is on. If you try and use Ajax to request data from a different domain than the page, you'll get a security error.

One way around this is a concept some call "JsonP". This is where you include a script tag in your document. This script tag points to an external javascript source and when the script tag loads it executes (like any other script tag).


1 comment:

  1. We made some nice and great experiments on Cosmobile, we had some great web app in our MooTools /AIR bag...

    Abbiamo fatto qualche esperimento in Cosmobile, contattateci se vi interessa qualche informazione riguardo alle nostre AIR - Mootools web app..
