Some years ago I registered to Exibart ( for help the starvation of the artist side of my soul) and I never stopped read it. Reaindg today the PhoneGap group news for Exibart on iPhone is a great wedding for the two sides of a geek brain.
The message is:
"Dear all
I'm proud to announce to the working group that my application fully
developed in phone gap is available in app store
Search for Exibart
I'm sorry that the apps is only in italian but is for related to
italian people.
The scope of the application is to show parts of the main website
( in iphone.
The xcode is the official one with the only modification for tel calls
( ).thread/
The app is organized in this way. I call the html page in my server. I
use gap.js script, css from
and a my JS that call in remote (XMLHttpRequest).
all main visites pages are cached in JS to have history functions. I
use phonegap to read uuid of the iphone + gps position to shows the
event near you (top right click menu and then l'arte è vicina). All
events can be identified in google maps for iphone. Some of these
events the have video and audio related opened in QT.
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